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Liz Mitten Ryan

"One with the Herd"
by Liz Mitten Ryan

In the pages of "One with the Herd: A Spiritual Journey", author, artist, and horse breeder Liz Mitten Ryan draws upon her years of experience with her herd of eleven horses to share her reflections on our relationship to the planet upon which we live, the animals we share our planet with, and how we can best achieve peace, freedom joy and an appreciation for life and for living. Her engaging and thoughtful text is nicely illustrated with her own paintings, as well as occasional color photographs.

"One With the Herd" is the deeply personal story of a woman who lives with a herd of 'wild' horses with whom she communicates, plays with, and rides without use of tack on a remote 320-acre ranch in the high country of Canada. Within the context of a natural setting, Liz Mitten Ryan discovered profound spiritual truths rich in emotional texture and intellectual acumen through her interactions of her horses roaming freely over the grasslands, forests, meadows, and lakes of her ranch, only to return on their own to her barn where they benefit from a loving, open, supportive interaction with humans.

"One with the Herd" is highly recommended for community library collections and will prove of very special interest to non-specialist general readers with an interest in horses, wildlife, spirituality, and metaphysical meditation.