Near our fireplace, we enjoy an environment that encourages learning and interaction.
Everyone is welcome to attend our events, whether to actively speak with our presenters or to just sit, listen and absorb what they have to say.
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Carole Thibault

"Ogopogo and the Heart Stone"
by Carole Thibault

This is the story of Ogi who lives in the magical, mystical land known as the lost valley. This land is protected by "The Heart Stone" which only allows those of pure heart to enter. Ogi has been chosen to become the new OGOPOGO, the new guardian and protector of this lost valley. He sets off past the Heart Stone to find someone who is pure and innocent. The story tells of his journey through the land of man until he finds and rescues a young child. Together they return to the lost valley - when the Heart Stone illumates as the two pass by, Ogi knows he has been successful in his quest.